When it comes to getting equipped with a credit card, many people are aware of the advantages and disadvantages, but few are aware of how to ensure that they are getting the best deal through being careful about the credit card provider they use, and ensuring they have read the terms and conditions, and are therefore aware of all the cost centers that will affect them during their contract.
Watch out for:
Annual Fees Not all credit card providers will charge an annual fee, but by the same token not all those who do charge an annual fee will necessarily be the least cost-effective. Keep in mind that different credit card providers will charge in different ways, and being away of the ways you are charged means you get the best deal, and can budget for these expenses.
Late Payment Charges Should your credit card payments be later than expected then as well as the interest still being due you will have to incur a late payment fee. This is justified by the credit card providers through the consideration that it could cause cash flow problems, and may mean that their financial planning could be off-set or not as projected. Late charges should be a consideration...