Being Hypocritical About A Truth Does Not Invalidate The Truth.
Do a Christian’s actions change the truth?
Let’s say I was standing in front of you smoking a cigarette and said, “Smoking is bad for you! You ought not to smoke.”
Will you say to me, “You are a hypocrite and therefore what you are saying must be false. Therefore, smoking must be good for you.” That is absurd.
However, rational people will actually say, “Christians are hypocrites and therefore what they are saying must be false. Therefore, there is no God.”
That is an error in logic called a non sequitur. It is an inference or conclusion that does not follow from the premises or evidence; a statement that does not follow logically from what preceded it.
Are Christians hypocrites? If a Christian says to you, “You should be like me; a perfect person who does no wrong.” Then yes, that Christian is a hypocrite. However, I have yet to hear any Christian, that is, a follower of Christ, make such a statement.
What Christians are most often heard saying is this, “You ought not to sin.” And this means...