BZZZZ! BZZZZ! BZZZZ! the alarm buzzes in your ear again reminding you that, yes it is again that time of day (wait its way to early to even consider this hour day), but as I was say the sound that is a reminder that now time no longer belongs to you, and know that you think about it can you remember when your day belonged to you truly belonged to you. As you prepare for another day you find your mind wondering off to that place the only if own business!
Is this you?
If so there are very important things that you will need to take into consideration and questions that you will have to honestly answer to yourself before you take that ultimate step into being your own boss, the world of the entrepreneur.
This is a step a commitment that needs to be made with both eyes wide open and only after you have openly and honestly answered the important questions.
The Important Questions
Do you thrive on the hustle and bustle of others around you and the interaction that takes place at the office, the exchange of conversation as one passes co-workers in the hall or wherever you may work?
If you answer is yes, then starting/owning a home...