Vrksasana is a tree pose which means you are standing with your hand raised towards the sky. Adho Mukha Vrksasana can be termed as a tilted tree pose where in your hands are supporting the entire body weight. This asana when done by beginners has to be done very carefully as balancing yourself on your hand cannot be that easy.
To make it easier it would be better for you to take support of a wall, helping you to overcome your fear of falling while doing this asana. There are many benefits for doing this asana as this helps in strengthening every part of your body helping you to create a more stable and calm body. Your shoulders and arms get stretched and in that process all the bones in your body also gets a good massage. Practicing this asana along with some teacher or friend would help you to do this asana without much hassle.
Even though this asana is very difficult but once you master it, the benefits you reap from this asana would be of great help. It can help each and every part of your body making them fit and fine for a better and healthier life. While doing this asana in the beginning you can use a padding which would support your handstand. Your hands...