If you have a credit card or current account, then you might want to take advantage of Direct Debit in order to pay your bills. Direct Debit payments can make paying your bills and regular payments much easier and help you to manage your money much better. If you want to know more about Direct Debit and how it can help you manage your bills then here are some useful tips about how to get started with Direct Debit.
What is Direct Debit?
Direct Debit is a system by which monthly payments are taken directly from your account, whether it is a credit card or normal bank account. You set up your Direct Debit once and then the money automatically comes out of your account at the right time. Direct Debit is the preferred payment method of most bill payers because it is quicker, safer and easier than other methods.
One advantage of Direct Debit payments is that it is much safer than paying by cheque or cash, because the money simply comes out of your account and goes to the correct organisation or person. There is no paperwork to deal with, no chance of your money being taken on the way to the bank and no chance of the cheque getting lost. Direct Debit...