The internet has brought us many great things including streaming music, online shopping, electronic bill pay and many more beneficial applications. One thing that I feel is often overlooked but very valuable is ebooks. Especially ebooks in the non fiction/self improvement subject areas.
Just as there are many great musicians that will never get signed – there are thousands of great authors who will never get the big book deal. Thanks to the internet and ebooks we can tap into the minds of these great authors. One common misconception is that if the book was any good it would get signed by a major publisher. This is simply not true. The publisher may feel that the information is not marketable when indeed it really is. There can be numerous other reasons the e-book author does not get a big book deal but dont let that stop you from missing out on some great information at a great price.
An e-book author is free to write what they truly want and will not be influenced by a publisher, publicist, or any one else. Ebooks usually contain much more than a printed book. They sometimes have printable worksheets, menus, lists, affirmations or any number of other...