Secured business loans, used as a source of business capital, are disadvantageous not only because they can lead to repossession of asset if repayments are not made. Secured business loans come with many restrictions imposed by the loan provider. The loan provider, for instance, will insist on a particular debt-equity ratio in order to safeguard the amount lent. This limits the entrepreneurs control over major decisions on business.
An unsecured business loan, on the other hand, presents no such restrictions. The enterprise has to pledge no asset for repossession in case of non-payment. The assets are thus free of any charge, and can be disposed off as one desires.
The prime customer group employing Unsecured business loans constitutes of entrepreneurs who prefer not to attach the business assets to any obligation. Businesspersons, who have undergone bad credit history, also make use of this category of loans. Such businesspersons and enterprises are known as problem cases. Failure to pay certain debts in the past leads to county court judgements, and bankruptcy, which in turn leads to bad credit history. Such businesspersons are disadvantaged in secured loan...