Airline credit cards, primarily aimed at a travelers convenience, are the result of collaboration between credit card companies and different airline companies. These are very popular reward cards and are a step further to frequent flyer cards. Frequent flyer cards can be airline sponsored or bank sponsored. Bank sponsored credit cards allow more flexibility, as the miles earned can be used on many airlines unlike airline-sponsored, which focuses on single airline. Apart from numerous incentives, transactions on airline credit card can add substantial savings for the cardholder.
Generally, for every dollar charged on the card, you earn one point which is equivalent to a travel mile. In addition, these cards can be used with a wide range of services like hotels, car rentals, car wash, and shopping malls. Purchases made and hence the accumulated points (once they reach the required level) can be redeemed for free travel miles for the next trip.
Who Should Go For An Airline Credit Card?
Airline credit cards are wise economic decisions only for those who:
* Have a good or excellent credit history
* Do not carry balance , in other words pay your...