eSales profits from personalizing the viewer meaning the entrance or lobby of the meeting room with a PowerPoint conceptual model which illustrates the clients activity sector. A large array is offered among the Resources under SERVICE. In fact, the same model could be use for the presentation to a prospect. Depending upon the number of participants, you could decide between a telephone conversation or an audioconference service. The invitation is transmitted by e-mail with integration with most CRM applications. In the case of coworkers, the invitation could be done via Skype, followed by an attendance indication.
Many Conferenceware functionnalities help to the success of eSale. First, a PowerPoint presentation and the screen sharing to hold a demonstration or display Word or Excel documents, for instance. Also, many presenters could intervene under the guidance of a conference master and each participant could be authorized to draw or write on a presentation. The presenter might transmit to the participants a screen saver with notes or any file or image, such as a proposal. Finally, the prospects opinion, but usually of his/hers...