To save money on your credit cards, doesnt always necessary mean that you have to switch providers to get a better deal, far from it as you can always start on your own doorstep and ask your current credit card lender if they can offer you a better deal than the one that you are getting at present.
This should be your first step if you are looking to get a better deal, but are unsure, as you are more than happy with the service that your current credit card gives you. Though you may feel that it maybe easier to simply change to a different lender, then this couldnt be further from the truth and at the end of the day, the credit card that you have should be one that suits you and not the credit card issuer.
If you are in fact happy with your present credit card and the benefits and service that you have then read on and find out how simple that getting a better deal can be.
Firstly you have to ask yourself if you keep your payments up to date, have not missed any and have an overall good payment history with your credit card company, if so then you have the right cards to play when it comes to asking for a reduction in your APR charges. If you fail to have...