Beyond a Bad Credit Car Loan: The Additional Costs of Driving a Car
score below 620, you will be in the bad credit category. You can still get a car loan; youll just be charged a higher interest rate.
To offset the higher interest on a bad credit car loan, you need to do all you can to keep your payments as low as possible. Having a decent down payment or trade-in will help. Experts recommend putting at least 20% down to keep from getting upside down on your car loan. You can also extend the term of the loan. This will lower your monthly payment but you will pay more money in the long run.
If you are buying a new car, never pay sticker price. The sticker price or MSRPmanufacturers suggested retail priceis what the dealer wants you to pay for the car or truck. It is several hundred dollars higher than the factory invoice price, which is what the dealer paid. You can look up factory invoice pricing online. Remember, the less you pay for the vehicle, the less you have to finance with your bad credit car loan.
Besides your bad credit car loan payments, here are a few other financial figures you should be aware of: