Beyond The Weather: Small Talk Tips For Networking Your Small Business
Have you ever been invited to a business networking meeting or luncheon, or thought about going to your chamber of commerce’s networking events, but decided not to because you never know what to say to get the conversation started?
I’ve been there and here’s the simple trick I learned to help me feel comfortable with the cocktail party small talk. Most people who know me wouldn’t think of me as “shy” and I’m not most of the time. When it comes to “networking” though, I used to struggle with making small talk.
That is, until I learned the F.O.R.M. trick.
F.O.R.M. works great because it works as a memory tool for when you are in social situations and you want to get to know the person you are talking with, and you want that person to remember you and your business. Instead of talking about the weather, use FORM to make your conversation count.
F.O.R.M. stands for Family, Occupation, Recreation and Message four areas you can use as conversation helpers in just about any social situation.
Family asking whether...