Do you want bigger breasts? Do you think exercise might give them to you? If so, here’s a true story that might interest you. (Of course, we asked permission to print this story for you, and the names are changed to protect privacy).
A young lady asked me this, regarding exercise and fitness personal training. Her question was “If I train with you, will my breasts get bigger? Will they lift themselves up, become firmer and fuller like they used to be when I was younger? Truthfully, I hesitated momentarily, before answering this one. Yes, I really wanted to motivate her, as well as gain her service as a new fitness client. And, I also wanted to stimulate her existing desire to re-kindle her fire and passion for exercise. My greatest personal satisfaction comes from seeing other people improve themselves, especially when their benefits come from advice, education, suggestions, and/or training techniques that I have brought to them.
However, my ethics are much stronger than my desire for profit. Ethics in the diet, exercise, and personal fitness training industry are an extremely valuable commodity. They denote character and intent to provide quality...