Billboards make good marketing materials. Have you ever seen these trucks or cars on the road with this seemingly colorful, catchy and oftentimes loud advertisements printed on their sides? Im sure you have. This kind of advertising is common nowadays. This marketing strategy is called mobile billboard advertising or simply mobile advertising. Mobile billboard advertising is one of the top growing advertising medium as it offers flexibility and improved message delivery on the streets where your customers are. Business owners often opt for this kind of strategy because they want to stand out from their competitors. You could basically use mobile advertising not only for product launches but also for exhibitions and events, store openings, election campaigns, and seasonal sales among others.
You would perhaps ask, what is the edge of mobile billboard advertising to other mediums of marketing? For one, it attracts a lot of attention. It is a unique way of getting the attention of your target customers. Your customers need not only be the people who would pass by your store or see your poster in one corner of the street but also those who are simply walking down the...