The energy crisis has already prompted a war; that is if you believe conspiracy theorists and the media. There might be some truth to this matter, at least if we take a closer look at the dynamics of supply and demand of fuel all over the world.
What Is BioFuel?
Biofuel is an energy source derived from recently deceased biological matter while fossil fuel (i.e. raw material for gasoline, kerosene, diesel and etc.). In theory biofuel can be derived from any carbonated source, but in practice it usually comes from plants like corn, palm, sugar cane, wheat, jatropha and algae. These feedstock sources are popular for the two most popular end products which are used for cars and machineries: bioethanol and biodiesel. Bioethanol comes from either sugar crops or fermented starch. Biofuel does not just come from plant crops, although a margin of them does.
Since bio fuel maybe gaseous, liquid or solid fuel other categories also apply. Way up in Tibetan mountains biofuel have been in use for hundreds of years. Tibetans use manure from their goats, donkeys, horses and cows as a substitute for wood. Animal waste are common pollutants, converting it...