Bipv: Built-in Photovoltaics: Solar Energy That Takes The Place Of Conventional Glass And Roofing
A promising renewable energy technology that breaks down pre-existing concerns and hesitation about solar energy is called Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV). These systems actually build solar cells into the construction of a building. They look as natural as what would have been a conventional roof, window, awning, and even concrete. They are often made of flexible thin film, which is also a relatively new and exciting technology.
BIPV systems can provide savings in electricity costs for years to come. In some areas solar energy can almost completely replace conventional electric sources, but in almost every area the electricity provided can at least provide enough benefit to make conversion to photovoltaic worthwhile. In fact, the cost of the technology is coming down so fast that even a minimally effective BIPV system can bring financial reward.
BIPV systems can be made to be on-grid, or interfaced with the local electric utility. That way, not only does the homeowner get free electricity for their own use, they also can automatically sell it...