How would you like to own a credit card you can use to buy just about anything you want? Imagine a credit card so powerful you can use it to purchase anything, from a jet plane to a jar of sand from the Dead Sea. Such is the power of the Black American Express credit cards.
The Centurion Card, most commonly known as Black American Express credit card, is American Express most exclusive plastic. It provides a range of exclusive privileges. There are supposedly fewer than 10,000 Black American Express credit cards issued worldwide.
Urban Legend
Much of the origin of Black American Express credit cards is shrouded in mystery. As early as the 1980s, rumors have circulated about a black-colored credit card with unlimited purchasing power, given exclusively for celebrities and dignitaries. These black-colored credit cards supposedly granted after-hours access to the best and the most high-end stores.
Were these black credit cards Black American Express credit cards? Certainly not! At the time, Black American Express credit cards had not existed. But American Express quickly recognized the opportunity, and capitalized on the free publicity by launching the...