Do your friends and coworkers turn to you for fashion advice? Are you a bonafide guru when it comes to the hottest designers and trends? Or, maybe youre a would-be political punditthe next Walter Cronkite? You could simply have a riveting way of capturing the world around you. Whatever your talent, rant or position, you can share your inner most thoughts in a place called the blogosphereall you need is an Internet connection.
To the uninitiated, a blog is a personal website that is updated frequently by the author and typically consists of commentary and favorite links, as well as photos, or anything else really. There are essentially two rules to blogging: 1.) update your site at least every 48 hours and 2.) make the content somewhat compelling. It seems like everyone has a blog nowadays; even William Shatner and Mariah Carey have one. I mean, everyones story is unique, right? And since you dont need to know HTML, FTP or graphic design to create and maintain a weblog, its pretty much fair game for all. Blog hosting sites, such as Radio Userland ( ), Blogstream ( ), squarespace ( ) and, provide...