In the several instance that you have browsed the net you have probably come across a blog or two. Blogs refers to online journals where people express their feeling through writing. They represent personal opinions of authors about certain topics. Blogs allows people to share their ideas and interest with other people around the globe.
Blogs have become popular nowadays for a number of reasons. First, they are search engine friendly. As long as you are making posts regularly, search engines spider them and index them often. Search engines loves blogs because of the regularly updated, fresh content they present. Second, its the quickest way to build a website. People who want to build a website but do not know HTML and how to create a website can use blogs instead. You do not really need to create websites or any programming language. And third, blogging increase marketing reach dramatically.
Even if you are not much of a writer you can always try blogs. When you become consistent with your blogging you will soon realize why it is important for internet marketers. But setting up a blog does not mean that you will have a one hundred percent boost in your income....