When you are considering flying with MacAir, one of the best ways to get a price quote from MacAir is to go on their website. The current information on their website are for prices that were updated in November of 2007, so they are fairly current with their prices.
MacAir makes it easy to find the flight that you are looking for. On the front page you can choose what airport you are going to be leaving from, choose your departure date and your returning date, and what class you would like to fly. Once you put in your information, you will bring up a screen with a few different flights that you can choose from and their departure times.
If the dates that you have chosen have no available flights, they will give you the flights that are available near to the dates that you want to fly on. They do everything that they can to be able to get you where you want to go on the dates that you want to be there.
The different flights that are offered also give you a selection of prices, so that you can choose the flight that best suits your budget and your needs. Prices also depend on the class that you fly and can also depend on the time of year that you fly, just...