Borrow Money From Those You Know In Order To Start Up Your Internet Business
Borrow money for your start up from friends, relatives, or life long associates. Dont be shy to borrow money from family and friends. Did you know that the founder of Wal-Mart, Sam Walton borrowed $20,000 from his father-in-law?
How about Fred Deluca? A friend of the family loaned Fred $1,000. He started Subway with the money. Today there are almost 22,000 Subway Restaurants Worldwide. Mega corporations and small mom and pop stores have used this method. Dont be shy, youll lose out.
First impressions are key to being successful in borrowing money from those you know. Make your initial approach a pleasantly surprising experience for the intended lender. Be business-like but warm in your dealings. Above all, be yourself, the person they know.
Your Initial Approach
Write down a list of people you think are potential lenders. Go through all of your various address lists. Think of very close relatives. Then list your distant relatives. You know, the ones you call twice a year, but hardly see. Yeah, Cousin Ethel.
Youll have better success with the following...