If you are big fan of the internet, as I am, you likely appreciate having access to much of the information you read online. Where else can you find information that is accurate, easily obtainable, and above all else: free? The library, perhaps. Still, reading some of the car blogs out there can be a risky proposition especially if you are prone to taking everything you read as the gospel truth.
Blogging certainly is fun and it is all the rage. You dont have to know how to design web sites and you dont even have to know how to write especially well. Therein lies the rub. Over the past several months I have had occasion to read information that is not only suspect, but downright inaccurate. Of course, if the writings are simply someones opinion about something that is one thing. However, when the writings give explicit instructions [or leave out pertinent information] on how to fix something, such as brake calipers, those instructions must be correct otherwise the reader could be obtaining information that isnt just factually wrong, but dangerous.
Concerning brake calipers, if you are blogging about brakes, please make certain that when you discuss a brake...