Mirror, mirror on the wall, whos the fattest of them all
Though my mirror would not magically utter my name, my eyes would move unconsciously to the ugly bulge that has formed near the middle part of my body. I know I am the one. For years, I have continued to hate the mirror. I even attempted a lot many times to do away with even traces of the thing. But, my wife wouldnt allow (women and mirrors go hand in hand).
Finally, I understood that closing my eyes to the fat wont make me less fat. Weight loss drug was one such step which I undertook to do away with the fat. A weight loss drug works by ddecreasing appetite, increasing satisfaction, decreasing fat absorption and increasing the rate of metabolism.
Weight loss drugs refer to over-the-counter medication or prescription drugs. The drugs are manufactured from a large number of chemical as well as herbal formulations such as amphetamines, appetite suppressants, benzene derivatives, herbal extracts, hormones and many more.
The use of weight loss drugs, to the confusion of users, does not offer exactly similar benefits to all. While some may benefit from it, others may not. This is a mystery that...