Breastfeeding has many advantages for both the baby and the mother. There are many substances in breast milk that cant be found in cows milk. More so, there are fewer complications associated with breast milk than with cows milk.
It has been advertised time and again that it is best for the babies if they are breastfed for the first six months even up to two years. So why is breast milk so beneficial for the baby? First of all, only breast milk contains colostrums which are essential for the baby to take. Commercially-made milks cannot simulate the colostrums made by a mother. The colostrums contain natural antibodies and immune globulins that are responsible for keeping the baby free from illness for the first few months of its life.
Another advantage breast milk has over cows milk is that it allows the mother to save as cows milk can be expensive. The baby can better adapt to breast milk. Their feces are not smelly and they dont have any difficulty defecating compared to cows milk. Breastfeeding has also been approved to be one of the family planning methods that a family can observe.
Since breastfeeding has been given so much importance, many women...