The Brighton handbag was added to the Brighton line of stylish accessories in 1993. Each Brighton handbag goes through 20 steps during its creation. Upon completion of the process a leather patch, embossed with Brighton’s statement of quality and an individual serial number is added. As you can see they really do put their heart into every product they make. It is for this reason the company is known for its heart logo. Components for some of the handbags are manufactured internationally in countries such as France, Italy, Spain, China, Taiwan, Korea and Japan.
Brighton handbags are handcrafted in California. At no time are there more than ten being made at a time. There is an attention to detail followed as a rule by Brighton craftsmen that is an exception in this industry. For example there is no tag explaining that the ‘marks’ and ‘scars’ are your “guarantee” of genuine leather-they painstakingly cut around the scars- to offer you, a flawless leather handbag. Each handbag is individually numbered, and is registered by its owner. Once registered, they are guaranteed. The leathers selected are the best from all over the world,...