If you are looking to locate somebody there are a couple of ways that you can go about doing it. But with the advent of the Internet the best way is through search engines and other Internet services that allow you to locate somebody.
A generalized tool would be a search engine. You can type the persons name into the search engine and get results based on their name. This may or may not turn up search results depending on if their name has ever been in print, online, etc.
If you are looking to definitely pin point somebody your best bet would be to check out a people locating service. If you want to go about doing things this way you need to first find a service that works for you. The first step would be to type in finding people in your favorite search engine. This will return several services that will allow you to hunt down the person you are looking to find. Next, you will probably have to create an account with the service. This way they will have all of your information and will know where to deliver your results. You will then need to specify how you are going to pay for these services. Most companies accept credit card, which is usually the easiest way of...