By all rights, your life should be pretty much perfect. You have a wonderful family, good job, and almost everything you could want. The problem is that you lack confidence and respect in yourself. To you, it seems as if everything you touch is a disaster. It may be that you feel as if you are getting too old, or you have gained too much weight. Maybe you think you should be further in your career than you are. It might be that you feel like you aren’t a good mate or that you are an ineffective parent. Regardless of how things look to the outside world, you know that something is missing from your earthly experience and only correcting it will allow you to have the fulfilling harmonious life you crave.
You aren’t alone. Many people struggle with finding confidence and respect for themselves as well as getting it from others. When used correctly Feng Shui can help. Before you decide that this ancient philosophy is too new agey or isn’t valid consider what it is actually all about. The ideas and practice of Feng Shui make a great deal of sense when you learn more about them. The idea is to create an environment conducive to balancing and...