To be able to avail of many financing offers by many lenders, having a good credit score is a must. If you have one handy, this will allow you to get a decent amount with reduced interest rates, with flexible payment terms. But building your business credit score is no easy feat to accomplish.
If you just have started earning your business credit when you set up your business venture, then its quite easy to get a good rating within 1 to 2 years of its operation.
This is not the case, however, when you have a bad credit rating. You either have to repair your business credit on your own, or hire a credit repair professional to get the job done. Only when you fixed your score can you start to build it up.
But before you can actually start building business credit scores, you need to have a credit identity first. This can be done by putting up your business as a corporation or an LLC. These two are perfect statuses to start your business credit. Since most financial lenders are eyeing clients in corporation or LLC, having your business as one will allow you to get a loan faster than any business enterprise.
You also need to set up a credit record with a...