Once you get your home business started and things start running a little smooth, the next logical step will be to grow your business into a self-sustaining enterprise. A majority of the big businesses you see both on and off line began just as you did. A single unit, making enough money to pay the bills and keeping the family finances on an even keel. However, over time they found a niche that enabled them to expand or increase their sales to vastly build their business and go from getting by to getting comfortable.
Most businesses find that it is easier to add on to their business than it is to find new customers and this can require some creative thinking on the part of the business owner. Since new customers may be reluctant to conduct business with a new company, counting on referrals can help bring in new business. Offer an incentive to existing customers if they can bring in another new customer.
Additionally, offering a similar incentive can give both the new and existing customer a reason to send business your way. If you offer a $25 bounty for new customers that spend $100 with you, offer a 25-percent discount to new can more than make for the expense....