Are you hoping to earn some decent money via the internet? Are you looking for a person or company to build you a website? Are you looking into ways to promote your website? Would you like to see an increase in traffic to your website? These are all questions to which a couple of years ago I would have answered yes to. I now have built up a network of people who I always use to help me in these particular fields.
In my opinion it is very important to establish a network of contacts on the internet. These people should be honest, charge a fair price, be willing to help and give advice and be happy to work quickly with good communication.
A few years ago I started to develop an interest in the web and thought that it would be a superb way to promote my speech coaching business. I must admit that at this point I knew nothing about the ins and outs of the net and did not know anybody who could build or promote a website.
I spent quite a long time phoning people who were advertising in places such as the yellow pages, the newspaper and of course the internet itself. The prices some of these people quoted were a lot higher than I could afford. I now have come to...