A Government backed study funded by the Department for Education and Skills located in the United Kingdom has revealed that schools are dropping the Holocaust from history lessons to avoid offending Muslim pupils. The study found that some teachers are reluctant to cover the atrocity for fear of upsetting students whose beliefs include Holocaust denial.
Can schools be that ignorant? The horrific events that occurred during World War II that involved the extermination of more than six million Jews cannot be denied. An entire race of people was bullied by an absolute megalomaniac, Adolph Hitler, who attempted to wipe out the entire Jewish race/religion. The events started with the denial of Jews’ basic rights, led to segregated housing in ghettos, destruction of their businesses, and ultimately being sent to concentration camps where they were starved, tortured, used as guinea pigs in cruel medical experiments, worked to death, and gassed to death. Based on this recent study, the Jewish population is in imminent danger of being bullied again, first through the denial that the Holocaust never happened, and then by allowing Muslims to bully school systems into...