You’ve probably seen the ad on television, “phone TV DSL”, offered by SBC Global. Is it a good deal? Compared to services offered by traditional telephone service providers in the past, yes. Compared to what you could get by doing some research yourself, no.
While SBC advertises bundled telephone, DSL, and satellite TV service for around $75.00 a month, you knew there had to be a catch didn’t you? The catch being the advertised price is not the end price. You’ll also be bound to a contract.
Did you know you could be getting a much better deal on those services if you just do your homework? About an hour doing the research could save you a big hunk of money every month. Sure, you’ll have to pay separate bills, but with the money saved, it’s worth it.
Let me give you an example. You are probably looking for phone, TV, and DSL services. Let’s discuss the promotional rate and the end price on each of these services. Keep in mind, these examples will reflect basic packages with no add on’s.
Satellite TV from dish network will cost you about $19.99 a month for three months then go up to $31.99 plus...