Make your business burglar proof before you suffer a break-in! Most business owners do not think about security, taking only basic steps to protect their premises until a thief strikes. Do not wait until it is too late to take action. Make your business a safer place by using simple and inexpensive ways to deter the wrong sort of people.
The Mind of a Burglar
The best way to start is to approach your business from the outside. Walk around your business and ask yourself “if I was a thief how would I break in?” “How easy is it get on to the roof?” “Are there any ladders around?” “Are the doors and windows secured?” By asking yourself these simple questions you will uncover most weaknesses in your premises.
Can you spot any easy ways for a burglar to get in? Most burglars look for easy opportunities, and if your premises seem secure they will move on the next building.
Light Up Your Premises
Thieves like to work in darkness. By installing sensor lights around your premises, this alone is good enough to deter many opportunistic burglars. Make sure that all the doors and windows are well lit because...