Have you these amazing ideas which youre sure you can put into practise and make a living out of your ideas. If so youre more than likely looking into financial help to put these ideas into practise. You may think bank loans, credit cards and loans off family and friends are the only options but Business Angels and Venture Capitalists are also a good option to consider.
Business Angels what are they you may ask, they often work as individuals who themselves are entrepreneurs and have made their dream come true in whatever business sector they chose. They have now have the experience and financial backing to help other entrepreneurs to start their own business just like themselves years ago.
Venture Capitalists are very similar to Business Angels they are often from an entrepreneur background have made a successful business and now would like to give back to other entrepreneurs and help them with finance for their new start-up business.
So youre asking what is the difference between them both, they are:
Business Angels Give you the financial help you need when you need it, and invest their own money in your business. If a business angel works...