Business credit cards are among the more popular kind of credit cards available. Being on the receiving end of credit is always a privilege and pleasure. Business credit cards are tailored to enhance this pleasure in ways that meet your business needs. Small business credit cards offer various intangible benefits to small businesses in addition to the regular perks.
The Perks of a Business Credit Card
1) Frequent Flier Programs For business users who travel around the world, additional air miles are one of the exciting perks offered by business credit cards. When a business traveler travels by air and pays through the credit card, they earn bonus miles. These miles can be redeemed in terms of additional air tickets. Another benefit is the regulation and monitoring of business travel by employees by payment through credit cards.
2) Rebates Some credit cards give rebates on business spending. It can be looked at as a huge saving to the company.
3) Reward Programs Points are given on each dollar spent through your small business credit card. These points can then be exchanged for a range of exciting merchandise.
The Intangible Benefits of a...