Nearly every individual makes purchases with a credit card at some point or other. But did you know that you can also apply for a business credit card if you have your own business? Business credit cards not only make it easy for you to purchase supplies and services, but they also help to streamline your business and accounting practices — particularly in small businesses, where man-power is limited and purchases can be frequent.
How to Use It
Business credit cards are used just like any other credit card. If you apply to receive a small business credit card, you will be asked what name should appear on the face of the card. Many small business owners will imprint their own names, particularly if they are the primary purchaser. However, if you have an active team of frequent shoppers, you may want to consider either imprinting the company name on the credit card or obtaining a business credit card for each of your team members to use at their discretion.
How Business Credit Cards Can Help You
All businesses are accountable to the government for tax purposes and are accountable to themselves for revenue and expense calculations. In the days...