Before purchasing a dream car, try to assess if the budget can really afford it. Questions like, how will it be paid, who will be helping to pay for it, what is the price limit of the car to be bought, and how long will it take to pay off the car? These should be considered even while planning to buy the car. The trend nowadays is that people buy the cars by cashing out the down payment, and the balance will be paid by installment. Others are just lucky enough to have saved the right amount of money that they are able to cash out the total cost of the car, which, by the way, seldom happens now. Never set aside the possibility of paying thousands of dollars when buying from a dealer or a specific car company, where in the end, charges you more for the interest which takes even years to pay.
Once you have found a way to finance the car you are eyeing on, then it’s time to start shopping around. There are credit unions and even local banks that are willing to loan the needed amount to purchase the car with an Annual Percentage Rate of only 1.9 per cent. However, this may turn out to be a catch, since this will only be happening on the first year. Without prior...