When it comes to buying car insurance it can be a very daunting task. For those buying car insurance for the first time this is especially so, any type of insurance can be confusing to the majority of people and car insurance is no exception. Not only are the policies hard to understand but there are many different components to them and for the majority of time these arent always clearly explained. For example one of the types of insurance is called fully comp; the very title of this is confusing because not everything is included in this type of cover.
When buying car insurance for the first time it is essential that you shop around for the best deal and cheapest premiums, car insurance premiums are always cheaper when bought online because the overheads are cut down, along with the staff needed to run them.
Of course when it comes to buying your car insurance you will first have to decide on the type of insurance that will be more suitable for your needs, the three main types of car insurance are fully comp, third party, fire and theft and third party only.
Third party fire and theft will cover you if you should be in an accident and this causes damage...