Silly question you may say! Of course you buy stocks via your broker or online using your brokerage account.
Its not necessarily that easy if you want to buy foreign stocks which you shouldnt really underestimate nor neglect. Theres a whole batch of foreign stocks out there that make great investments but that are not available in your country, or only with difficulty.
And thats the reason for this article. Several of my subscribers emailed me saying that they were interested in a stock but couldnt purchase it in their country. Now why is that?
If you want to buy Microsoft or Wall Mart stocks for instance, you will not experience any problems at most stock exchanges let alone the USA. These two stocks alone already have a trading volume of over 10 million + every day on Wall Street. Even the regional stock exchanges like Chicago or San Francisco etc. have a high trading volume with Microsoft and Wall Mart. Buying and selling takes place within seconds.
But although most foreign stocks are also found on the trading floors of New York and other international exchanges, there are exceptions. Like the Canadian company Loblaw for example....