Buying Used Electronic Test Equipment What’s The Difference Between Used, Refurbished, Remarketed And Rebuilt?
According to the research firm Frost & Sullivan, the estimated size of the North American used test and measurement equipment market was $446.4 million in 2004 and is estimated to grow to $654.5 million by 2011. For over 50 years, companies and governments have procured used test and measurement instruments in order to realize a number of benefits including the need to:
– reduce equipment acquisition costs,
– replace discontinued testing instruments,
– circumvent lengthy new product delivery times, and
– conform to legacy standards and specifications.
Although there are many considerations when purchasing used test and measurement instruments, the quality of the instrument and reliability of the vendor should be at the top of the list. Used test equipment vendors deploy a number of bywords that represent the equipment they sell, including “refurbished”, “remarketed”, “reconditioned”, “rebuilt” and, the obvious, “used”. These marketing...