Over the years, the name Callaway has become synonymous to the term Golf. Its hardly surprising, given the fact that Callaway Golf is the best known brand for golf equipment recognized worldwide. Callaway Golf company manufactures primarily golf equipment: golf clubs and golf balls. Over time, their market ventures included sports apparel, footwear, timepieces and watches and various assortments of accessories. The Odyssey brand, Top Flite brand and the Ben Hogan brand are also owned by Callaway Golf.
No one could ever forget how Mr. Ely achieved iconic status, or rather his first masterpiece the Big Bertha. He was then a retired Burlington Industries Textile President with a big idea. The big idea was a cheap wooden driver inspiration which used to make his design which would later be realized as the Callaway Golf s Big Bertha. After having acquired the services of Richard C. Helmstetter who was also a brilliant billiard cue designer, the Big Bertha was made. A marvel club at that time that showcase a 190cc steel club head that can hit the furthest and can hit even with minimal skill. The Callaway Golf Big Bertha completely revamped the existing golf clubs and set new...