Calling Cards How To Make An Informed Buying Decision
Calling cards can be an excellent way to save money, both at home and abroad. Calling cards can offer you the lowest prices in domestic and international long distance service, no matter where you call from.
This means that the next time you’re traveling, you won’t have to pay the hotel their ridiculous long distance charges. Some hotels charge as much as $8 per minute! With a calling card, you can get rates for less than a penny a minute – now that’s dome savings!
But if you want to save as much money as possible, you need to know several things about choosing the correct calling card for your uses. The cheapest is not always the best. Here are several factors to consider:
1 is there a connection fee?
Some calling cards charge you a fee for each call you make, usually in exchange for lower rates. If you make short calls, this setup could be expensive for you.
2 is there an expiration date?
Some calling cards have an expiration date if you don’t use the minutes on the card within a certain number of days or weeks, they become invalid. Of course,...