You may not think about this, but camping requires a lot of common sense. You will need to use basic education that you have acquired through out your years of school so that you can avoid doing anything that is basically dumb. You will find that there are a lot of dangers that lurk in the woods and you will find that the most commonly found dangers include the climbing aspect and lightening.
Did you know that there are over a hundred people who die in a year because they were struck by lightening? You will want to make sure that you use your common sense when it comes to being outside in an electrical storm. You will also find that the lighting will occur mostly in the clouds, but there are going to be a few strikes every now and then. If you happen to be the tallest thing around like standing on top of an open mountain site, you will find that your odds of getting hit by lightening are very high. This is because of all the salt water that is in an human body will attract the lightening and forms a conductor. You will find that when you are wet, your odds are even worse. You will want to think about the safety by taking cover. Even though your odds of being struck...