A golf tip online can save you hours out of your schedule, but can it really help your game? With more and more people getting Internet connections, golfers are flocking to the Internet in hopes to find tips, techniques and even total golf performance programs to save their golf game.
There are many concerns with taking a golf tip online and hoping it will be the silver bullet to your game. Always consider the source of this golf tip. If you read an article like this one, or find some resource online, make sure to read the resource box at the bottom of the article.
Usually the article or resource will have a mini-bio of the person who authored the information with a link to either their site or some kind of indepth explanation of who the person is and what their credentials are.
Any golfer no matter what their ability or certifications can post a golf tip online via website, blog or article. On the Internet this is rampant! There are more so-called gurus than ever before. Every golfer probably has some valuable information they have to give, but if they are not qualified to give it, they should probably keep it for their own game.
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