The worst thing people fear about acne is the scarring that it can sometimes leave behind. After patiently using many of the medications and treatments and perhaps even getting rid of the condition many people are left with another problem to deal with – namely scars. It is not always possible to avoid scarring but, with careful attention, it can be minimised. As with many things it is usually easier to prevent scarring than to try and remedy it afterwards.
A fundamental rule is never to squeeze or pop pimples and spots, as this is one way that scarring can be caused. Most people are aware of this but many would still prefer to remove the offending sight of pus filled spots by popping them, rather than suffer the embarrassment of others staring at their faces. Sadly they can be left with a much worse problem because scarring, which is deep beneath the skin, can be very difficult to remove.
There are many and varied treatments on the market which claim to remove acne scarring including lotions, creams and face washes. But just how effective are they and, if so, to what degree? In reality, these the ingredients of these medications can only help...