After a lifetime of working in various offices as a secretary, I suddenly found myself in the position of trying to figure out how to make money from home. Going from being handed a paycheck to creating one on my own required a total mental transformation. Was I up to the task? I had to be!
My husband and I were already living with Mom, keeping her company after Dad died, doing the “heavy stuff” that she could no longer do. I happened to be between jobs when Mom was diagnosed with bone cancer, then her heart began acting up and she was reduced to the unenviable position of looking for a nursing home or being cared for at home.
Mom and I had always been close (as the youngest of four, I think I’m her favorite!), so for me, it was a simple choice. I’d been brought back home for a reason, and the reason was now quite clear. Mom needed me.
My husband’s meager laborer paycheck just wasn’t going to cut it. Mom’s pension and Social Security incomes were quite limited, as are most of them. As I would no longer be able to work outside the home, I put away my resumes and began to explore my options.
I thought a Virtual...