Of all the headphones that are on offer, which of them physically damages hearing? Or is it down to the individual to monitor their own safety?
Well, some companies have offered a safe alternative – but some have been discontinued due to poor sales.
Some companies produced equipment which limited volume automatically or warned the user when the sound was set too high.
The public rejected the idea with the response that it was up to the user how loud their music should be. That line of equipment was quickly discontinued.
Today, some companies have introduced systems whereby volumes on different tracks are corrected to the same level.
Others provide a system for the user to manipulate their own preferred settings and gives better control than the auto-corrected version.
Some governments have jumped on the bandwagon in recent years and have imposed limits on the levels of sound personal equipment can emit.
Of course, many have said that this is infringing on the freedom of users and use other software to remove the limits.
These governments have used the arguments that not only does the hearing damage caused bring a...