Most heel pain goes away in a short period of time, either on its own or after treatment. Without treatment the pain will usually spread around the heel. Treatments that are used to reduce heel pain seem to bring only marginal gains over no treatment and control therapies such as stretching exercises. The pain in your heel should go away by itself with time, but until then you might want to seek treatment for the pain. Treatment of heel pain starts with resting the foot. Conservative treatment of plantar heel pain: long-term follow-up.
There are numerous sock supplies for people suffering from heel pain. The patented sock supplies support for the treatment of plantar fasciitis, commonly referred to as heel spurs or heel pain syndrome. The clear polymer gel self-adjusts to fit your unique foot contour, absorbing the painful foot shock that aggravates heel pain and heel spurs. If, after several months of non-surgical treatment, you continue to have heel pain, do discuss the situation with your doctor, because your heel pain may be caused by other factors and surgery can be considered.
Self Care Steps for Heel Pains
Self-Care Several steps can be taken to care...