Can Stay At Home Moms Be Successful On The Internet?
In the midst of downsizing, layoffs and the genuine need for two incomes in most families these days, there are now literally hundreds of thousands of stay at home Moms that are considering starting their own home based Internet businesses.
For those of you have had the pleasure, you know that the job of a stay at home Mom is one of the most demanding jobs you can have. I am not kidding! I have the upmost admiration for mothers who have made the decision to stay at home and care for their children, as I do for those mothers in the workplace who struggle with all the challenges that decision brings.
I have five adult daughters and on a number of occasions during their childhood, I have had the “pleasure” of staying home with my daughters for one reason or another. Don’t ask me how I found myself in that predicament, it just kind of happened. I must say that I received a real education regarding this most demanding of professions.
How did their Mother actually do that day in and day out? Listen, I will take the challenges of going to an office or running my own business any day!...