Many people think the best way to get health insurance coverage is simply to get the most complete coverage one can afford. This is, to some extent true, and if you have a lot of liquid resources it is a good idea to get a comprehensive individual health insurance plan that includes everything from a small deductible for hospital visits to full dental and vision coverage. However, if you are on a very tight budget, you may want to consider getting a smaller plan than you can afford and paying for some of your medical expenses out of pocket.
If you are juggling several different prescriptions that are costly to fill and refill, or that require frequent check ups with your doctor to make sure that you have the right dosage, it is important to get a full health plan. However, if you are looking for ways to economize on your health costs, it may make sense not to get such a comprehensive plan. If you dont have any dependents and dont need to make regular hospital visits for any reason, consider whether you really need a full health insurance plan that gives you complete coverage. Paying more than you need for health insurance can be a heavy financial burden, so it is worth...